Best day ever: Sea lions break into salmon farm and have a righteous feast

Some sea lions in Canada are currently enjoying the feast of champions after breaking into a salmon farm and refusing to leave.

The Guardian reports the marine creatures learned they could slip into Rant Point farm in British Columbia and have been gorging on the delicious salmon for the past few weeks.  Of course they rebuffed any and all attempts to make them stop, which include loud noises and politely showing them the exit.  It is Canada, after all.

The sea lions began breaking into the grounds in late March and even local conservation groups that hate the very idea of fish farms say those sea lions need to go.  Apparently, this heist is attracting more sea lions by the day.

“We witnessed the sea lion going over one of the fences jumping right into a ‘bird net’, which is suspended net above the pens. He struggled for quite some time to free himself,” one activist noted. “There’s a lot of ropes and hoses around, so we’re increasingly concerned about entanglement.”

But those sea lions think it’s worth the trouble because they get to feast on as many fish as they want once they clear all the hoops.  Considering this farm can house up to 500,000 Atlantic salmon, they probably aren’t going to go anywhere until the farm finishes harvesting its stock later this month.