OFB statement on DEQ’s Climate Protection Program rules

March 18, 2022, Salem, Oregon: “Today, the Oregon Farm Bureau joined a broad coalition of Oregon businesses in filing a challenge to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s Climate Protection Program rules. The rules were adopted by the agency in December and would impose significant new fuels costs on all Oregonians, which we know Oregon’s family farms and ranches cannot afford to pay. It also would invest money raised under the program in hand-picked offset projects largely in urban areas. 

“In enacting these rules, DEQ acted well outside its authority. Our coalition cares deeply about this state and the substantial impact that these rules will have on Oregon families and businesses. Oregonians should not stand for a state agency creating policies that it does not have the authority to write, and it sets a dangerous precedent for the future. We cannot sit by and allow the governor and unelected bureaucrats to circumvent the legislative process to exert their will.”