D21 Zone 1 Appointment

March 7, 2022 – The Dalles, OR – The North Wasco County School Board has appointed Adrian Lopez to fill the vacant Zone 1 Board Position, to begin immediately. Zone 1, primarily lies Northwest of Chenowith Road and encompasses the Seven Mile and Mosier areas of the district.

Lopez is a longtime resident of the Mosier community, as well as the proud father of a 10 year-old daughter at Mosier Community School.

A past district student and graduate of The Dalles High School (TDHS), Lopez will bring a unique perspective and insight to the board. Lopez was a student during the D9 and

D12 merger and attended a number of district schools, including Mosier, both Chenowith and The Dalles Middle Schools and TDHS. He notes improving infrastructure and increasing family engagement, as personal goals during his time on the board.

“As a new member of the board I’m unsure what challenges may be presented, but I am eager to learn and help resolve them,” he remarks on his new role.

In his free time Lopez and his family enjoy riding bikes, motorcycling, hiking with their dogs, snowboarding and other outdoor activities. Lopez’ appointment to the school board will last through the end of term which runs through June 2023.