Talk about knowing your audience: The makers of Natural Light beer — the suds known affectionately as “Natty Light” — has an offer you might be able to refuse.
If you get a mullet, they could not only cover the cost of your haircut, but you could get free beer for a month.
If you keep that “business up front, party in the back” look going all year long, the beer will keep flowing, too.
For a chance to win, post a photo of your Kentucky Waterfall, Mississippi Mudflap or whatever mullet you chose before March 31st with the hashtags #NattyVintage and #sweepstakes.
But you’ll have to take a chance: You’ll need to get the haircut first, and Natural Light will select 200 lucky people to repay for the cut and the month of beer. Those lucky winners will get a chance to keep the suds coming if they keep the mullet until the end of 2022.