Jim Donnelly Named Columbia GorgeRegional Teacher of the Year
Candidate for 2022 Oregon Teacher of the Year

Oregon teachers bring their ingenuity, flexibility, encouragement and expertise to classrooms every day in support of their students. During this global pandemic, teachers have overcome constant challenges requiring transitioning instructional models, developing new ways to create important student connections, learning new teaching platforms and so much more.
Hood River High School’s English Language Arts teacher, Jim Donnelly was named Columbia Gorge’s 2022 Regional Teacher of the Year! Donnelly wins a $500 cash prize and is in the running for Oregon’s 2022 Teacher of the Year – to be announced this fall.
“My best lessons have always come about unexpectedly and resulted in me learning just as much as my students.” Donnelly is quoted from his application.
Regional Teachers of the Year are nominated by students, colleagues, administrators, friends or family members to apply for the award, and are selected by a diverse panel of regional representatives. Later this fall one of the Regional Teachers of the Year will be named the 2022 Oregon Teacher of the Year.
Thanks to the Oregon Department of Education’s partnership with the Oregon Lottery, the 2022 Oregon Teacher of the Year receives a $5,000 cash prize (with a matching $5,000 going to their school!) and serves as a spokesperson and representative for all Oregon teachers. Three finalists will receive $2,000 with a matching $2,000 going to their school. Please visit OregonTeacheroftheYear.org for more information.